Don't you just hate it how people around you keep telling you to just wait and that you will eventually get over the person you thought was the love of your life? I mean, why go through the seemingly endless period of pain? We humans love cures, something we can do to take away our troubles, and not just to sit around waiting for something to happen. For instance, when you're sick, you take medicine, not doing so seems like suicide in a lot of people's minds. So, guys and girls, you want to get over someone you got rejected by? Or someone that you had a painful relationship with only to find out it was never actually going to work out? Take a vacation!
Traveling is a known cure for stress, but what most people don't seem to know, it's also a great way to forget someone. A vacation is probably the biggest change of routine you can do within a short period of time. The minute your plane lands in your destination you will immediately feel refreshed. All the problems you thought were important will stay back home where they belong, and when you do come back, these problems will all of a sudden seem worthless.
In the first few days of your vacation you might feel a little down, because of all the plans you might have made to travel with your failed-love. That is why you should not stay in the hotel room, staring at the king size bed, feeling bad about it. If you're going to Bangkok, Thailand for instance, go out during the day, eat some street-food, check the streets out, and for those of you who like it: go shopping. Then, during the night, head out to the nightlife scene and party. Loud music, drinking (responsibly), and people are a perfect solution for getting over someone, ESPECIALLY when you add the fact that you're in a different country far away from home. So push yourself out of that hotel room, it's worth it! In fact, after your vacation you might even want to stay single forever!
To make the above activities even better, grab one of your friends and plan a vacation out! The simple action of planning out a vacation with a close friend can mean a lot. Doing that will immediately give you a sense of change, of optimism and hope, and a feeling of exciting new things to come. Another positive thing about going with a friend is that, after you're back, you will always have someone to talk to about all the common adventures you two had in your vacation.
So come on, whether it's stress or failed love that's bothering you, in the name of Gandass book a ticket now!